13 perspectieven op digitale transformatie
Samen met Johan Oostlander (docent Ethiek) is gewerkt aan een klein en beeldend inspiratieboekje waarin 13 perspectieven staan over het onderwerp digitale transformatie. Het boek is geen leer - of werkboek, maar levert inspiratie op de verschillende perspectieven op om over na te denken zodra een organisatie begint aan een digitale transformatie. Meestal wordt er gedacht in IT-termen of zelfs in termen van nieuwe applicaties. Dat is in onze optiek geen digitale transfomratie.
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De autheurs: Huub Stiekema en Johan Oostlander

The title of this book: ‘Break out! Living in the new unreality’, can be taken literally for police officers. Outside of work the police officers are already living in the information space or 'the new reality'. It’s the reality of the criminal world, it’s the reality of their home situation and the situation of the people the police is here to protect and serve.
But when they go to work they put their '4 walls' around them, put their uniforms on, they use the internal wired information systems protected by a strong firewall and they emerge themselves into a ‘bubble of unreality’. Living in their unreal bubble, how can they continue to ‘protect and serve’ those who live in the real world and in the digital world? And what leadership does it take to reconfigure the police organisation towards a modern 21st century organisation? Furthermore, how will the police adapt to the transformation towards an information - and networking society and redefine strategic paradigms to enable to create a sustainable business for the next decades? What is the future of criminology and crime fighting in an open connected world?
These are the big questions this book gives you to consider. This book gives a direction to the way forward and leaves the reader with a couple of big questions to be answered.
This book has been praised by modern managers working on social security issues around the world.
(Breakout op Youtube)Huub Stiekema
The author

"Break out! is a great book with exciting views in the future. I reads like a movie as you see the future happening right before your eyes. It is a realistic scenario for policing in which the future vision on technology, intelligence and information sharing with the “outside world”, can be seen as an accelerator to improve security of our presence in future society”.
Ruud Bik
Board member of the Dutch National Police
“This book is the business case for the police in new times. It is written with great compassion and competence”.
Leon Kuijs
Board member of the Dutch National Police
"The shift from the physical to the virtual paradigm offers tremendous challenges for policing in the 21th century. This book can be used as a convincing guide to find your way in this new era”.
Drs. Wim Broer
Program Director Virtual Police Force

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